Specialty Glass and Assemblies

Ensuring Safer Travel and Enhanced Comfort in Everyday Living

Deep-Sea Submersible Observation Window

Deep sea submersible observation window

Deep-Sea Submersible Observation Window

Our marine science and technology R&D team has spent three years developing a deep-sea submersible observation window crafted from thick, transparent plexiglass.
This window boasts exceptional optical, mechanical, and weather-resistant properties, enabling it to withstand pressures of up to 115 MPa at depths of 11,000 meters.
The window, with dimensions of 700 mm in diameter and 300 mm in thickness, complies with both domestic and international standards.

Application fields

Application fields

The observation window serves as a critical viewing portal for submariners and scientists to observe the external environment directly while aboard manned submersibles. It is the sole non-metallic pressure-bearing component on the manned module’s spherical shell, making its structural strength and reliability crucial for the safety of manned submersibles. This large-thickness transparent plexiglass is suitable for various deep-sea applications, including ships, naval vessels, underwater sightseeing vessels, and undersea villas.